Sometimes the labyrinth in the cathedral is covered with chairs. That means you can’t walk it, but you can still pray there.
Find a place to sit on one of the chairs covering the labyrinth, or nearby on a bench or the stairs.

Pray in one of the following ways, or another that comes to you:
- Follow the path with your eyes (instead of your feet).
- Use your breath to pray. Inhale, taking the labyrinth and its beauty into you. Exhale, sharing your love with all those who will come to pray here later.
- Write out the prayer that is coming to your mind and heart.
- If you have art supplies, you can make a rubbing of one or more of the stones of the labyrinth (needed: tracing paper, copy paper-blue or black, tape, brush to prepare surface). Do this in an attitude of receptive prayer. “God what do you want to show me? What do you want me to see/notice/experience?”
- Notice if there is a certain part of the labyrinth or one its stones that you want to stand on. Go there and pray.