Creator God

On the north porch of the Chartres Cathedral are a series of ten images of God, the Creator.

God in the beginning at Chartres Cathedral by photographer Jill K H Geoffrion
In the beginning, God (Genesis 1:1)

If you are going to pray with these sculptures, it is helpful to have a good pair of binoculars (or if you are a photographer, a nice, long lens).

God contemplating the creation of the day and the night at Chartres Cathedral by photographer Jill K H Geoffrion
God contemplating the creation of day and night. (Genesis 1:3-5)

God, the Creator, ponders and contemplates.

God separating the waters at Chartres Cathedral by photographer Jill K H Geoffrion
God separating the waters. (Genesis 1:6-9)

Thoughtfully, the Creator considers.

God creating vegetation at Chartres Cathedral by photographer Jill K H Geoffrion
God creating vegetation. (Genesis 1:11-13)

Imagination shapes reality.

God creating the sun and moon at Chartres Cathedral by photographer Jill K H Geoffrion
God creating the sun and moon. (Genesis 1:14-19)

Acts of creation are both mental and physical.

God creating the fish and the birds, while imagining the creation of humanity at Chartres Cathedral by photographer Jill K H Geoffrion
God creating the fish and the birds, while imagining the creation of humanity. (Genesis 1:20-23)

While creating one thing, the Creator is also imagining another.

God creating the animals at Chartres Cathedral by photographer Jill K H Geoffrion
God creating the animals. (Genesis 1:24-25)

Creation involves both stability and movement.

God creating the Garden of Eden at Chartres Cathedral by photographer Jill K H Geoffrion
God creating the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 2;8)

The Creator is full of strength and tenderness.

God creating Adam at Chartres Cathedral by photographer Jill K H Geoffrion
God creating Adam. (Genesis 1:26-27)

Love forms creation.

God creating Eve at Chartres Cathedral by photographer Jill K H Geoffrion
God creating Eve. (Genesis 1:26-27)

Blessings is a part of being creative.

Creator God sculptures on the north porch at Chartres Cathedral by photographer Jill K H Geoffrion
The outer row of sculptures on the left side of the portal show God creating.

The sculptures of the outer central bay archivolts on the north porch were created and put in place between 1194-1230.

Related posts from Jill’s blog: Pray With Jill Geoffrion
God Creating the Garden of Eden
God Creating the Animals (Day 6 of Creation at Chartres)
God Imagining Humanity (Day 5 of Creation at Chartres)
Envisioning Creation
Deep Consideration
In the beginning, God created…
The God of Creation

Bibliography related to the creation sculptures on the North Porch:

Heinmann, Adelheid. 1938. “The Six Days of Creation in a Twelfth Century Manuscript.”  Journal of the Wartburg Institute 1 (4):269-275.
Runcorn, David. 2001. The Creation of Adam. Seven Guided Reflections from Genesis: Grove eBooks.

Une bibliographie:

Chartres Cathédrale Porch et Portails Nord. Chartres, France: Patrimoine Restauré En Région Centre.
Nicot, Guy. 2002. “Visions Féminines de l’Imagier au Portail Nord de Chartres.” In L’Éternel Féminin Au Regard De La Cathédrale De Chartres, 71-76.
Prache, Anne. 1994. Chartres: Le Portail de la Sagesse. Éditions Mame.
Vieubled, J. L. Chartres, La Cathédral: Portail Nord, La Création du Monde (Photos). Chartres, France: Éditions Houvet.
Villette, Jean, Edouard Fiévet, and Pierre Lefevre. 1994. Les portails de la cathédrale de Chartres [photogr., Édouard Fiévet, Pierre Lefevre]. Chartres: J.-M. Garnier.