Pilgrims Who Came for Short Visits:
“When Jill listened to me, then told me quietly how she perceived my experience…I gradually began to realize that I was being given a huge gift–of someone to guide me on what was one of the most significant spiritual journeys of my life.” (English pilgrim)
“Your guidance in preparing for the journey helped me immensely. Your passion for the Cathedral is energizing. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.” Two American pilgrims

“Your explanation of how the history and spiritual practice of labyrinth walking helped me to appreciate what a valuable tool it is for prayer.” French young adult after presentation, “Christian Practice of Praying with Labyrinths/Prier avec un labyrinthe”
“Thank you Jill for using such beautiful and enlightening photos.” American pilgrim
“Thank you so much for the meaningful presentation and the labyrinth walk. It was extremely helpful and inspirational.” European pilgrim
“Thank you for all that you have done to support me and my group of pilgrims in Chartres.” American tour leader

Pilgrims Who Were In Chartres for Longer Retreats or Pilgrimages:
“Dear Jill. Thank you for the soulful, heartfelt, gentle way you led us in this pilgrimage…for the attention to ritual and silence so that beauty may be perceived and the Divine encountered. May the blessing of light and courage go with you. You light the way for others.” Pilgrim from Singapore
“Your passion has touched my soul’s yearning for wisdom and like a gentle feather created ripples of knowing in the waters of my well… What a rich experience to explore and learn about Chartres through your vision. With great sensitivity, you bring each of us to this place in a way we can receive. I have a new way to experience Chartres. This year I add the knowing of coming home to Love.” Participant, Veriditas Retreat
“Loved Jill! I liked the way she organized the talks. Big subject, but she showed us how to make it personal.” American pilgrim
“…in my 3 years of doctoral training, this is the best learning that I have done.” American graduate student

“Thank you so much for all you did to make the time so very special, for your support and encouragement and challenging questions.” British pilgrim
“Just enough information, lots of space to reflect and ponder. Thank you!” American pilgrim
“Loved her honesty when she didn’t know something and appreciated how she researched to find out the answers right away. Loved how she broke each day into a discrete topic that was self-contained and yet connected to the others always. I would recommend Jill to others without hesitation and with the highest respect.”
“Jill’s love and passion for the cathedral communicate. She was able to help us go step by step or we could have been overwhelmed by the windows.”
“Jill deserves a 10 on every ranking (1-5 was the scale). The whole week was both focused (on our own individual paths) and a wide ranging (in topics covered).” Veriditas Pilgrim

“I so appreciate the beautiful opportunity you created for our group. It was completely evident that it was a gift of love. Thank you for shepherding us through such an uplifting experience. You are an inspiration.” Wisdom Ways Center for Spirituality Pilgrim
“Your gentle leadership set the stage for many wonderful moments to unfold.”
“Many things shifted during our week together.. Thank you for your wisdom about Chartres and for your thoughtful and loving attention to detail.” Wisdom Ways Center for Spirituality Pilgrim
“Thank you for your wonderful presentations, heartfelt leadership in prayer, poignant and keen insights, vast knowledge about Notre Dame her Chartres Cathedral. This has been an amazing experience that I suspect will be life-altering. I appreciate all you did to make it so powerful in so many ways.”
Read one pilgrim’s experience of being in Chartres on a retreat led by Jill.
An excerpt from The Day Was Made For Walking. Searching for Meaning on the Camino de Santiago, by Noel Braun. (Australia: Sid Harta Publishers Pty Ltd.) 2014.