Pilgrimage And The Chartres Cathedral
Bugslag, James. (2005). Pilgrimage to Chartres: The Visual Evidence. In Sarah Blick and Rita Tekippe (Ed.), Art and Architecture of Late Medieval Pilgrimage in Northern Europe and the British Isles (pp. 135-183). Boston: Brill.

It took these student pilgrims three days to walk from Paris to Chartres. They are sitting on the floor of the nave (all chairs were removed to make space for them) waiting for a service to begin.
Une bibliographie:
Bulteau, Marcel-Joseph. 1855. Manuel du pèlerin à Notre-Dame de Chartres. Tournai: Impr. de Mao et Levasseur.
Clerval, J.-A. Petit Guide du touriste et du pèlerin à Notre-Dame-de-Chartres… (par l’abbé Clerval.). Chartres: Maison des clercs de Notre-Dame.
Deremble, Colette et Jean-Paul. Voyage Au Moyen Âge Å Travers Les Vitraux De Chartres. Moisenay, France: Éditions Gaud, 2004.
Pilgrimage General
Aviva, Elyn. 1997. “Seeking the Center: Pilgrimages and Labyrinths as Sacred Journeys.” American Academy of Religion, San Francisco, CA.
Blick, Sarah, and Rita Tekippe. 2005. Art and architecture of late medieval pilgrimage in Northern Europe and the British Isles. 2 vols, Studies in medieval and Reformation traditions. Leiden; Boston: Brill.
Cousineau, Phil. (1998). The Art of Pilgrimage. The Seeker’s Guide to Making Travel Sacred. Berkeley, CA: Conari Press.
Forest, Jim. 2007. The Road to Emmaus: Pilgrimage as a Way of Life”. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis.
Morrison, Tessa. Year Needed. The Labyrinthine Path of Pilgrimage. Peregrination: International Society for the Study of Pilgrimage Art.