Les Exercises Spirituels d’Ignace de Loyola, avec la bible de verre et de pierre de la Cathédrale de Chartres. (A visual overview: pdf)

View of the cathedral when approaching from Centre Œcuménique et Artistique
The Chemin Neuf Community, in partnership with Jill, offers an eight-day silent ecumenical retreat. Retraite Cathédrale: Les Exercises Selon la Cathédrale will help you experience the love of God more deeply. You can also expect to discover renewed energy for service.
Using the exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola during four periods of biblical contemplation each day, the images and sacred space of the Chartres Cathedral, communal worship, and daily meetings with a spiritual director, retreatants explore their lives and faith as they seek to follow Jesus more closely and fully.
While the images from the cathedral speak in their own way, French is the language used for teaching and praying. Fluency in French is ideal; if you can understand most of what you hear, you will also benefit from this retreat. Spiritual direction sessions are offered in English for native-speakers.
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