Chartres is a lovely town to visit. Besides the cathedral, it has lots of options and price-points for lodging, a great variety of restaurants, and many fun and interesting things to do. I would definitely recommend staying more than one day!
If you have an emergency while in Chartres
Medical Emergencies of all kinds: call 15 (it’s like 911 in the US)
Police Station: 02 37 24 75 39
Fire: dial 18 (just those two numbers)
Click above for general information, information of seeing a doctor, car repairs, etc.
Some of Jill’s favorite activities in Chartres (pdf)
Pilgrim Housing Suggestions
Many American pilgrims traveling on their own like to stay at the Maison St. Yves. It is basic pilgrim housing with single, double and triple rooms with a small in-room shower/toilet.
Hôtellerie St. Yves
13, rue des Accacias 28000 Chartres
[email protected]
+33 (0)2 37 88 37 40
Centre Oecumenique et Artistique 13, rue de Fourmestraux 28000 Chartres
This retreat house is run by the Community of Chemin Neuf (who sing Vespers in the Cathedral). It is very basic (you pay for sheets and towels and clean your own room at the end of your stay). Unfortunately, it is closed in 2021, but may open again once the community’s student housing in another part of town is reopened. You can inquire about availability and prices [email protected]
+33 (0)2 37 18 32 24
The Tourist Office (below) has access to many options in all price ranges.
The tourist office is one block to the south of the cathedral in the Maison du Saumon, a historic building in town with timber beams.
The staff is helpful. Ask for what you want. There is usually someone who can help you in English. Chartres is a lovely town to visit. Besides the cathedral, it has lots of options and price-points for lodging, a great variety of restaurants, and many fun and interesting things to do. I would definitely recommend staying more than one day!
8 rue de la Poissonnerie 28000 Chartres
Telephone: +33 (0)2 37 18 26 26
Telephone when calling from France: 02 37 18 26
[email protected]
Telephone from the US: 011 33 2 37 18 26 26
Fax from US: 011 33 2 37 21 51 91
Website in English, French, Dutch, and German
Email the tourist office
Interactive visit for your smartphone or tablet (iPad, etc.)
Hours: The Chartres Tourist Office is open 7 days a week, all year round (except January 1 and December 25). Check for current hours online.
Services include:
Hotel reservations, rental service for apartments, ticket reservation service (concerts, cultural events, etc.), guided and self-guided tours, city maps, and general information.
There are also posters and books about Chartres on sale.

Pharmacies are marked with a neon green cross. They are generally open from 8h00 or 9h00 until 19h00 or 20h00 from Monday-Saturday. They are closed on Sunday. French law requires that there be one pharmacy open in Chartres 24 hours a day. Call the police station to find out which one it is.
02 37 24 75 39
Post Office (02-37-27-40-68)